Names of international speakers and
companies are popping out weekly as
the interest for this project is high!
Speakers & Tutors
Seminars and Courses
Dr. Egon Euwe, Dr. Rosario Sentineri, Dr. Stefano Trasarti, Dr. Tito Bordino, Prof Pierangelo Olivieri, Prof Dr. Maurizio Federici, Odt Paolo del Signore, just some of the many speakers willing to do seminars and courses in the dental field.
Dr. Paolo De Carli, Dr. Matteo Vigo, Dr. Vito Rubino, some of the European doctors in different medical specialisations who will soon be part to the team to organise events with us.
Their CV’s and detailed programs of their seminars with dates and cost are available on:
Micerium & Micerium Lab, Medesy, MegaGen,
Sanctuary, 3A Medes, Euronda, Golnit, Resista
just some of the companies that will sponsor
or be present at these events.
Who is behind all this project ?
Italian and Swiss, after graduating in Italy in 1999 and 15 years of practice in Europe, he decided to move permanently in Seychelles in 2014 where he took over Le Chantier Dental Clinic, making it the biggest dental clinic with 4 dentists, 4 dental assistants, 2 lab technician, CT scan, digital scanner, nitro-protoxide and all the latest equipments.
After falling in love with Seychelles and enjoying the life on these beautiful islands, he decided to find a way to share this paradise with colleagues making it the perfect location for both holiday and training.